fault: n.1.过失,过错;罪过,责任。2.缺点,缺陷,瑕疵。3.(猎狗的)失去嗅迹。4.【电学】故障,误差;漏电;【地质学;地理学】断层。5.【网球】发球出界;犯规。短语和例子Faults are thick where love is thin. 〔谚语〕一朝情义淡,样样不顺眼。 fault detection 【机械工程】探伤。 The fault is his own. 这
They are paleozoic ~ early mesozoic - fold deformation and the appearance of reversed fault ; mesozoic - the beginning of graben faulting - block period ; early cenozoic - the phase of broke - the forming of block hill ; late cenozoic - the phase of segging - the forming of buried hill . we mark off five kinds of buried hill belts . they include three different kinds of trap on the basis of the cause of trap formation 本次研究在重新认识济阳坳陷区域构造背景的基础上,将济阳坳陷古生界潜山的形成过程分为四个阶段,即古生代早中生代?稳定沉降?隆升?轻微褶皱变形及逆断层发育阶段、中生代?初步断陷阶段?块断期、新生代早期?断拗阶段?块断潜山形成期以及新生代晚期?坳陷阶段?潜山定型期。